Journal de pharmacocinétique et thérapeutique expérimentale

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Pharmacokinetics of Gentamicin C1, C1a, C2 and C2a in Broiler Chickens after IV, IM, SC and Oral Administration

Ehab A Abu-Basha, Ahmad F Al-Shunnaq and Ronette Gehring

The pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of 4 main gentamicin components (C1 , C1a, C2 and C2a) in chicken plasma administered at 5 mg/kg weight via distinctive routes of management (IV, IM, SC and oral) determined the use of reversed-phase excessive performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and pre-column derivatization with Phenylisocyanate (p.c). all the additives, apart from C1a had been well absorbed (bioavailability of 60% or extra) following administration by means of the IM and SC routes. The bioavailability of C1a turned into 58% and 35% following IM and SC administration, respectively. the apparent volume of distribution (Vss and Vdarea) for the C1 component was appreciably smaller than for any of the alternative components individually or combined. similarly, the C1 issue had a notably shorter t½β and MRT following intravenous administration and a higher Cmax/Dose following intramuscular management. This study confirmed great differences in a few pharmacokinetics parameters between four gentamicin components (C1a, C2a, C1 and C2 ) after management of single aggregate of gentamicin by using exceptional routes in chickens