ISSN: 2278-0238

Revue internationale de recherche et développement en pharmacie et sciences de la vie

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Asmehan Adnan AI-LNaqeeb, Muhammed Baqir M- R. Fakhrildin

Aromatase is the enzyme that catalyzes the last step of estrogen biosynthesis. It is present in the various testicular cells including germ cells. The aromatase gene (Cyp19) is unique in humans and its expression is regulated in a tissue and more precisely, in a cell-specifi c manner via the alternative use of various promoters located in the first exon. Three groups of infertile patients (n=59): normozoospermia (n = 38), oligozoospermia (n = 8) and NOA (n = 13), referred to High Institute of Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Al-Nahrain University,Baghdad, Iraq. levels of Serum and seminal aromatse were measured by ELISA. In addition to semen analyses and statistically analyzed. The study revealed Significant decrement (P≤0.05) was observed in the level serum aromatase for males with normozoospermia as compared to the other groups of the present study. Meanwhile, significant elevation (P≤0.05) was observed in the level of aromatase for male suffering from oligozoospermia as compared to normozoospermia and azoospermia. There were a significant decrement in the level of seminal aromatse for males complaining from normozoospermia as compared to the other groups of male infertility factors. Additionally, there was a significant difference (P≤0.05) for males with oligozoospermia in the level of seminal aromatase as compared to the others.The study concluded that excessive production of aromatase in both serum and seminal fluid associated with the infertility.