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Volume 5, Problème 1 (2019)

article de recherche

Clinical Evaluation of Neonatal Malaria in a Sub-urban Healthcare Facility in South-East Nigeria

  • Lina Nwokeji-Onwe, Anthony N Ikefuna, Clifford O Okike, Obumneme B Ezeanosike, Kenechukwu K Iloh, Chidieb ere D Osuorah and Abraham B Onwe

article de recherche

Relationship between Maternal Vitamin D Levels and Risk of Low Birth Weight in Term Newborns: A Case Control Study

  • Ashadur Zamal, Ali S Manazir, Firdaus U, Noor N and Siddiqi SS

Article de révision

Pediatric Migraine Treatment: An Updated Review

  • Marcello Pasculli, Pasquale Striano and Maria Giuseppina Ledda

article de recherche

41-Year Systematic Literature Review of Early Infancy Osteomyelitis: What Have We Learned with the Entry of MRI into Diagnostic Protocol?

  • Barbara Minkowitz, Emily Lillie, Elizabeth Baorto, Robyn Murphy, Jennifer R Ristic and Zachary Cherna

article de recherche

Soccer Trained 6-11 year Old Children Demonstrate Better Executive Function Compared to Untrained Peers

  • Vaida Borkertiene, Birute Zachariene and Arvydas Stasiulis

article de recherche

Evaluation of Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) and Celiac Artery (CA) Blood Flow Pattern in Preterm Infants and Factors Influencing the Blood Flow

  • Nitin Ramdas Unde, Khaled Mahmoud El-Atawi, Mahmoud Saleh Elhalik and Arif Moinuddin Faquih

article de recherche

Epidemiological Aspects and Evolution of Nosocomial Infection in the Neonatology Unit of Angondje Teaching Hospital

  • Eliane Kuissi Kamgaing, Steeve MintoÂ’o Rogombe, Mylène Mimbila, Roselyne Medza M’ella, Raissa Koumba Maniaga, Ulrich Bisvigou, Jean Koko and Simon Ategbo