ISSN: 2161-0460

Journal de la maladie d'Alzheimer et du parkinsonisme

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Volume 7, Problème 4 (2017)

article de recherche

Identification of Serum Anti-GADD34 Antibody as a Common Marker of Diabetes Mellitus and Parkinson Disease

  • Kazuo S, Tomiyoshi G, Masahiro M, Satoshi K, Shigeki H, Setsu S, Minako B, Mayumi M, Akiyuki U, Kenichiro K, Minoru T, Akiko H, Masashi Y, Kazuki K, Harukiyo K, Ryoichi I, Koutaro Y, Seiichiro M, Toshio M, Eiichi K, Yoichi Y, Tomoo M, Yasuo I, Yoshio K, Rika N, Natsuko S, Hideyuki K, Hao W, Xiao-Meng Z and Takaki H

article de recherche

Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis: The Denied Access Model

  • Wade ND ,Shaohua X *

article de recherche

Efficacy of Incobotulinumtoxin Type A (Xeomin®) in the Management of Sialorrhea in Neurodegenerative Diseases

  • Marvulli R *,Mastromauro L ,De Venuto G ,Napolitano M ,Falcicchio M ,Gallo GA ,Schivardi E ,Fiore P ,Megna M ,Ianieri G

article de recherche

Exome Sequencing of Extended Families with Alzheimer's Disease Identifies Novel Genes Implicated in Cell Immunity and Neuronal Function

  • Holly NC ,Brian WK ,Kara L Hamilton N ,Sophie R ,Martin AK ,Patrice LW ,James MJ ,Jeffery MV ,Michael LC ,Regina MC ,John RG ,Lindsay AF ,Eden RM ,Gary WB ,Jonathan LH ,Margaret A Pericak V *

article de recherche

Botulinum Toxin Type A and Physiokinesiterapy in the Treatment of Pisa Syndrome

  • Marvulli R *,Mastromauro L ,Falcicchio ML ,Gallo GA ,Napolitano M ,Schivardi E ,Fiore P ,Megna M ,Ianieri G


Exploring the Genetic Architecture of Parkinson's Disease in a Southern Spanish Population

  • Sara Bandrés Ciga ,Clara Ruz ,Francisco J Barrero ,Francisco Escamilla Sevilla ,Javier Pelegrina ,Manuel Ramirez ,Francisco Vives ,Raquel Duran *

article de recherche

Protein Gelation around Axons Inhibits Action Potential Propagation in Nerve Fibers

  • Wade N Dauberman, Samuel Breit and Shaohua Xu


Ethnic Differences in Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease

  • Huei-Yang Chen and Peter K Panegyres

Article de révision

Synaptic Function and Dysfunction in Alzheimer's Disease

  • Origlia N and Domenici L

Article de révision

Peptides Derived from Neuronal Cell Cycle like Kinase 5 Activator p35, in Neurodegeneration; Pathology and Therapy

  • Philip Grant, Manju Bhaskar, Binukumar BK and Harish C Pant

article de recherche

Investigating Basal Autophagic Activity in Brain Regions Associated with Neurodegeneration using In Vivo and Ex Vivo Models

  • Chrisna Swart, Akile Khoza, Khaalid Khan, Stefan Le Roux, Anton du Plessis and Ben Loos