ISSN: 2471-9846

Journal des soins infirmiers de santé communautaire et publique

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The Role of Nurses in Pneumonia Patients during Covid

Ortego Abajas-Bustillo

The Japanese Respiratory Society (JRS) pneumonia rules suggest straightforward prescient rules, the A-DROP scoring framework, for evaluation of the seriousness of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and nursing and healthcare-associated pneumonia (NHCAP). We evaluated whether the A-DROP framework can be adjusted for appraisal of the seriousness of coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia. This significant relationship between the seriousness in the A-DROP scoring framework and either the mortality rate or mechanical ventilation rate was watched in patients with COVID-19 CAP and NHCAP. In each of the five COVID-19 waves, the same significant relationship was watched. The mortality rate and mechanical ventilation rate in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia expanded depending on seriousness classified concurring to the A-DROP scoring framework. Our study about recommend that the A-DROP scoring framework can be adjusted for the appraisal of seriousness of COVID-19 CAP and NHCAP. The mortality rate and mechanical ventilation rate in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia expanded depending on seriousness classified concurring to the A-DROP scoring framework. About recommend that the A-DROP scoring framework can be adjusted for the appraisal of seriousness of COVID-19 CAP and NHCAP

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