ISSN: 2161-0711

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The Relationship between Primary Infertility and Depression among Women Attending Royal Medical Services Hospitals in Jordan

Depression; Primary infertility; Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Being a mother is a passion and dream for each woman, that’s the humanized effect and unconditional love between child and mother. Building family is the main target of marriage, it involves relationships between wife husband and children, but some of couples live a distressing experience about bearing a child; one of this is the infertility. Infertility is categorized as primary, secondary infertility and sterility. According to the Center of Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) primary infertility defined as the inability to get pregnancy (conceive) after one year of unprotected sex. There are various causes of infertility in both men and women, they are mainly physiological dysfunctions and few of the causes are endocrine logical, anatomical, genetic and immunological reasons. Some of the physiological causes are related to the ovaries: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), diminished ovarian reveres (DOR), premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), tubal occlusion and the causes may related to physical characteristics of the uterus.