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The Rare Case of a Human Rabies Survivor and the Comparative Study of All Documented Human Rabies Survivors Till 2021

Sumirini *, Abhijit Acharya , Bharat Veer Manchanda and Saloni Mehra

Derived from a Sanskrit synonym “Rabhas”, meaning “violence”, Rabies, is a violent outrageous infection of the brain1 recognised in Vedic Indian scriptures dating to a period as back as 1500 B.C. Very deadly, rabies has been described as ‘the dog accompanying The God Of Death’.

Rabies is a fatal zoonotic viral disease transmitted from mammals to humans, that’s characterised by an acute excitogenic encephalitis and generalised paresis.

With only 24 documented cases of survival worldwide, till date, post development of symptoms, we are hereby reporting another classical case of rabies, which underwent gradual recovery, with minimal neurological sequalae.

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