ISSN: 2471-9846

Journal des soins infirmiers de santé communautaire et publique

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The HIV Affected by Mothers and Their Children

Ortego Abajas-Bustillo

This study described the prevalence of adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) in Chinese HIV-infected pregnant women, and examined the relationship between maternal HIV infection /HIV-related factors and APOs. This prospective cohort study was carried out among 483 HIV-infected pregnant women and 966 HIV-uninfected pregnant women. The acquired immune deficiency syndrome.-infected and HIV-uninfected women were enrolled from midwifery hospitals in Hunan province between October 2014 and September 2017. All data were extracted in a standard structured form, including maternal characteristics, HIV infection status, HIV-related factors and their pregnancy outcomes. APOs were assessed by maternal sexually transmitted disease infection status and HIV-related factors using logistic regression analysis. At least 3.28 million pregnant women infected with sexually transmitted disease are estimated to give birth each year, with more than 75% of these in sub-Saharan Africa; this is where most of the annual 700000 new infections of HIV in children occur.

Perinatal transmission of acquired immune deficiency syndrome.Can occur in utero,during labour and delivery,or postnatally through breastfeeding.1w1 Most transmission occurs during the intrapartum period.1 Transmission will vary from less than 2% in the developed world (with its access to antiretroviral therapy, caesarean section, and formula milk) to more than 30% in the developing world (where access to therapy is limited and breastfeeding is prolonged). W2 Observational studies have shown that the risk of perinatal transmission is affected by maternal stage of disease; duration of rupture of membranes; increased genital secretion of acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Associated with sexually transmitted infections such as herpes simplex virus; and other factors such as prematurity.

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