ISSN: 2161-0460

Journal de la maladie d'Alzheimer et du parkinsonisme

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The Great Significance of Research into the Physiological Relev ance between AQP4 and Vasopressin for Studying Alzheimers Disease

Yu-Long Lan, Tonghui Ma, Jie Zhao and Shao Li

Aquaporin 4 (AQP4), which is the predominant aquaporins (AQPs) isoform in the adult brain, is specifically localized to astrocytes. Current findings regarding AQP4 and various neurological diseases have initiated our interest in unraveling the mystery of AQP4 function in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the loss of memory and cognitive disturbances; however, far less is known regarding the precise mechanisms. Vasopressin plays an important role in the regulation of central nervous functions, including learning and memory. Research into vasopressin might contribute to clarification of the neuroprotective effect of AQP4 against AD. Currently the research regarding the functional interaction of AQP4 and vasopressin has demonstrated to be of great significance for studying AD. Here we review the interaction of AQP4 and vasopressin in astrocyte that might have a pivotal role in the regulation of distinct cellular responses directed to neuropretection against AD, as experimental results strongly emphasize the importance of this topic for future investigations.