ISSN: 2376-127X

Journal de la grossesse et de la santé infantile

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Testing and Treatment of Pregnant women with COVID-19

Souhail Alouini, Olivier Belin, Susanna Giache and Susanna Giache

Every day the number of deaths and severe acute respiratory syndromes caused by the COVID-19 increase in many countries such as Italy, Spain, the U.K., USA, France, Iran…whereas the epidemy seems to be stopped in China. Some countries such as Germany, South Chorea and China opted to test the maximum of people and seem to control better the epidemy. In France the ANSM (Autorité Nationale de Securité du Medicament) allowed the distribution of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat patients infected by the COVID-19 to hospitals. In USA, these treatments are also allowed to treat patients infected by the COVID-19. However, there are no clear guidelines to test or to treat patients. We suggest to test and treat symptomatic pregnant women infected by COVD-19.