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Taxane-Induced Neuropathic Pain: Current Evidence and Treating Strategies

Vincenzo Pota, Maria Beatrice Passavanti, Pasquale Sansone, Manlio Barbarisi, Maria Caterina Pace and Caterina Aurilio*

Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a disabling adverse event of most of commonly used antineoplastic agents. Previous studies have focused on several chemotherapeutic agents and reported that CIPN incidence varies from 19% to >85%. The mechanisms underlying CIPN are currently unknown. However, different theories have been proposed including microtubules dysfunction, mitochondrial dysfunction and mitochondrial toxicity, Glial pathway, substance P pathway, adenosine receptor pathway. CIPN is not simply to treat, and most randomized controlled trials failed to identify an effective therapy. Recent evidence supports the efficacy of serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) dual reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) in the treatment of neuropathy-related pain. Based on current evidence, we can speculate that duloxetine and topical menthol would improve CIPN pain as symptomatic treatment while, based on preclinical data, pifithrin-μ could be considered in future for the prevention of CIPN.