ISSN: 2573-4555

Médecine traditionnelle et naturopathie clinique

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Tantra Yoga- The Beginning 10.4172/2573-4555.1000327 Phoenix dactylifera; Silymarin; SGOT; SGPT

Madhumita Saikia

Yog Vidya known as Jog Vidya in Sanskrit and Assam local language, has roots in this region. It is a part of Tantra. The Kamkhya Temple, an active Pith of Tantra Vidya, once was an abode of Daso- Maha- Vidya. High level Tantra, Mantra, Japa, Tapa, Yama, Niyam, Dhyana, Dharana, Asana, Pranayama, and Pratyahar were practiced, cultured and taught. Tantra means expansion of Body for betterment in Psychosomatic, Mental and physical level. In these Ashrams, Tantra-vidya was practiced. Later the Buddhist Bhikshu, particularly, were influenced by these Gurukuls. Ancient relics, Idols, Tantra chakras and Yantras indicate that a rich culture of Yog Sadhana was being practiced in Nilachal hills and the surrounding areas. Yog did not happen all of a sudden. It grew through many civilisations, through period of time, cultured, researched by many yogis and yoginis. No place can claim as its origin birth place but indications of practice and advent of Yog in ancient era in Kamrup, ancient name of Assam, is evident. This region was the centre of civilisation in ancient era and the focal point of Tantra-Yog in the beginning period of this rich knowledge. A brief research conducted, on this topic, as this study outcome will help future researchers, academicians and scholars to find out new knowledge for further research and study.