Journal de la science des matériaux et des nanomatériaux

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Synthesis and Characteristics of Dextran Nanoparticles

Thomas Ciachel

Dextran is extensively exploited in medical products and as a element of medicine- delivering nanoparticles( NPs).Then, we tested whether dextran can serve as the main substrate of NPs and form a stable backbone. We tested dextrans with several molecular millions under several conflation conditions to optimize NP stability [1]. The analysis of the attained nanoparticles showed that dextran NPs that were synthesized from 70 kDa dextran with a 5 degree of oxidation of the polysaccharide chain and 50 negotiation with dodecylamine formed a NP backbone composed of modified dextran subunits, the mean periphery of which in an waterless terrain was around 100 nm. Dextran NPs could be stored in a dry state and reassembled in water. also, we set up that different chemical halves(e.g., medicines similar as doxorubicin) can be attached to the dextran NPs via a pH-dependent bond that allows release of the medicine with lowering pH. We conclude that dextran NPs are a promising nano medicine carrier [2].