ISSN: 2471-9846

Journal des soins infirmiers de santé communautaire et publique

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Study on Biomedical Waste Management Knowledge among Healthcare Workers

Dr. Vijay Pratap Raghuvanshi, Dr. Shiv Pratap Raghuvanshi

Biomedical waste if not handled properly can pollute the environment and can spread many harmful diseases. Health care workers in our country are still not fully aware about proper BMW handling and disposal, despite increasing global awareness on it. The objective of the study was to understand the level of knowledge, awareness and practices (KAP) regarding BMW handling and disposal among health care professionals in institutions. This was a crosssectional study and conducted in 5 different hospitals (Bed capacity >250) in metro cities. The study was conducted in 3 months. A total of 300 hospital staff from different hospitals responded as participants and further data analysed were consented to fill a structured valid questionnaire on biomedical waste management in hospitals. These respondents were asked to be filled either questionnaire on Microsoft form from their computer or on hardcopy. The structures valid questionnaire was prepared on Microsoft office forms and 100% response rate was received from the staff working in different areas including wards, ICU, laboratory and OPD of the hospital. Those who were willing to submitted hard copies, 30 minutes time was given to each participant to finish the questionnaire and finally submit the form, the results were entered into Microsoft office form and analysed. The questionnaire was developed based on an extensive literature which can include knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) with regards to biomedical waste management adequately. The questionnaire was given after designed and a pretested questionnaire and checklist was conducted on 10 staff. All questions were closed ended questions. The questionnaire was divided into 4 sessions i.e., Session -1 for personnel data, Session -2 to know knowledge assessment, Session -3 on Attitude assessment and Section -4 on practice Questionnaire. The data forms were collected and underwent scrutiny for logical inconsistencies, skip patterns, and missing values. Results were expressed in numbers and percentages. Conclusion: Most of the healthcare workers are aware about the biomedical waste management rule and its requirements but required regular training for colour coding and how to segregate and store the waste.

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