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Spared Healthy Breast Tissue after Breast Conserving Surgery for Palpable Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma; US Guided Versus Traditional Palpation Guided Excision

Hussein Elgohary, Ehab Oraby, Ahmed Zidan and Ahmed Turky

Background: Breast is still the commonest site of cancer in females. Breast Conserving Surgery is providing long term survival equal to that seen with mastectomy for early stage breast cancer. Wider free resection margin don’t significantly lower risk of local recurrence.

Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare between US guided versus Traditional palpation guided excision in Breast Conserving Surgery for palpable invasive ductal breast carcinoma regarding the volume of spared healthy breast tissue.

Patients and Methods: This prospective study was carried out on 40 consecutive female patients with early palpable invasive breast cancer. Patients are divided into two groups. Group A was treated by palpation guided excision. Group B was treated by ultrasound guided excision. The spared breast tissue assessment is done by calculation of the volume of excised specimen. Two methods used, by histopathological measurement of three dimensions of specimen and by fluid displacement method.

Results: Ultrasound guided excision shows significant reduction in tissue resection with subsequent healthy tissue preservation.

Conclusion: US is an effective guide for healthy tissue preservation with efficient one session resection of early breast tumours and that will augment the benefits gained after breast conserving surgery.