ISSN: 2375-4494

Comportement des enfants et des adolescents

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Sleep Habits and Sleep Problems of Preschool Children in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand

Nalinee Yomsiken and Chanyut Suphakunpinyo

Background: Sleep has major roles in the primary activity of the brain during early development. However almost Thai literatures about children sleep had been studied in Bangkok, thus there were difference cultures and parenting each district in Thailand. Objectives: To study sleep habits and sleep problems of preschool children in Khon Kaen province, Thailand. Methods: The cross-sectional study was collected from November to December 2019. Five hundred and ninety-seven questionnaires were completed by parents of preschool children from 11 preschool childcare centers, 3 kindergarten schools, 1 hospital child daycare and well child clinic at Khon Kaen University hospital. Results: The average of total sleep durations was 11 hours 21 minutes (+78 minutes). 2-year group had longest duration and slightly declined in 3-year, 4-year and 5-year group, respectively. Mean time to make child sleep was 34 minutes (+28 minutes). Overall, 85% of children had set bedtime routine. In addition, less than half of all children presented with 35.7% did not watch tablet or media use before bedtime and 18.8 % of children had ever been time-out or punishment in their bedroom. Although bedtime resistance was found as most common problem which was 25% but caregiver reported-sleep problem was only 10.6%. Less of bedtime routines and time make child sleep more than 30 minutes was associated with bedtime resistance significantly. Conclusion: Sleep problems are frequent in preschool children especially bedtime resistance, unfortunately result showed few concerned by caregivers. In addition, adequate bedtime routines also have positive consequences which should be provided and emphasized in all settings.

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