ISSN: 2329-6879

Médecine du travail et affaires de santé

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  • Fondation genevoise pour l'enseignement et la recherche médicale
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  • Fondation genevoise pour l'enseignement et la recherche médicale
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Short Review on Interactional Environments Created across Disciplines to Support Occupational Therapy

Arya Dilip

The primary goal of this work is to propose a multidisciplinary production of interactive environments as a technological support for the rehabilitation of people who attend occupational therapy and have physical disabilities. Today, some technologies and approaches are used to create software to help people with physical disabilities, but physical therapy isn't limited to just one method of rehabilitation. The current work encourages the formation of a multidisciplinary team that includes technologists and therapists so that they can work together to create interactive environments that evolve with each patient's rehabilitation. The effectiveness of the current proposal is demonstrated through a case study, related work, and a number of usability evaluations.

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