ISSN: 2471-9846

Journal des soins infirmiers de santé communautaire et publique

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Role of Nursing in Public Health

Maria Calia Araajo

Healthcare staff educates nursing students during their clerkships at community health nursing programs. Their teaching methods play an important role in nursing students’ acquisition of competencies; however, these methods have not been studied thoroughly. Thus, this study aims to describe, interpret, and understand the experiences of healthcare staff’s teaching methods in clerkships at a community health nursing program. It takes a village to raise a child and if we want to improve health services in schools, we need to bring together a variety of constituencies:community, educators, health professionals, universities and politicians, to name a few. We need partnerships.Partnerships are not a new concept in the profession of nursing. In fact, partnerships in nursing education are a wellestablished practice since the 18th and 19th centuries. What seems to be new is a shiі, in the past decades, from a model of partnerships that was focused on building workforce to a model that aims at supporting advocacy reports to improve health services for children, their families and communities.

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