ISSN: 2155-6199

Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation

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Reduction of Nicotine, released from Smoking, in Indoor Conditions Using House Plants

Seemaa Ghate

Many low light survivor house plants were tested for reduction of nicotine, released from smoking, in indoor conditions. A cigarette may produce 7,000 chemicals. Out of which, hundreds of chemicals are harmful to human health and at least 69 of them have been linked to cancer. Spathiphyllum wallisii, Syngonium podophyllum, Sansevieria trifasciata and Epipremnum aureum were tested in the glass chamber, to see their ability to absorb nicotine, a poisonous pollutant released through cigarette smoke. All plants were exposed to the cigarette smoke and quantification of nicotine was done for each set of plants. Quantification analysis was done by LCMS technique. All four house plants tested, showed ability to absorb nicotine, Epipremnum aureum (Pothos), showed highest capacity of nicotine absorption which was 0.865 ppm. Easy growth of plants with low maintenance and pollution absorbing capacity of plants, are some of the encouraging points to accept these plants, in improving indoor air quality. Willingness to grow plants indoors can be an advantage to accept this research. Path of absorbed nicotine, its conversion in the plant body and release, are some of the areas where further research is needed. Look ing at the absorbing ability of studied plants, we may consider these plants as potential remedies for indoor pollution especially in the indoor areas where smoking is a major activity.

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