ISSN: 2329-6879

Médecine du travail et affaires de santé

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Impact of Technology in Better Dispersal of Health Care Methods and Improving Health Care Systems

Nonika Rajkumari

Background: Using new information technology (IT) has provided remarkable opportunities to decrease medical errors, support healthcare specialist, increase the efficiency and even the quality of patient's care and safety. Studies are few which actually deals with the outcomes of the patients and improving the healthcare dispensing by health care workers and hence the study. Methods: A six month prospective study among 40 enrolled health care workers (doctors and nurses) by dividing them into two subgroups; one using conventional paper work and other using electronic health record system, computerized physician order entry, patient clinical information systems and using mobiles for health care. They were given instructions at the beginning and end of six months and data collected using single blinded method based on a questionnaire. Results: The study observed that doctor (90%) and nurses (95%) found that CPOE has improved their health care dispensing but it did not affect the outcomes of the patients in the long run. Another important finding in this study was the use of cellular phones which has helped the health care workers (85% doctors and 70% nurses) in better health care especially in following up patients who were unable to attend follow-up. Also, there was work flow improvement by 20-fold reduction in the delay from writing admission orders to the execution of those orders. However, this need large infrastructure to set up and maintain it. Conclusion: Though there was reduction in the paper related work load of conventional method and was time saving, it however did not affect the outcome of the in patients significantly (p > 0.05) in the long run but helped in the post discharge patient care.

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