ISSN: 2329-6879

Médecine du travail et affaires de santé

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Impact of Intergenerational Learning on the Wellbeing of Young and Old: A Qualitative Study

Prasun Chatterjee

Intergenerational Learning Centre (IGLC) classes create an opportunity for older people. The Grand Mentors (GM), to exchange their experiential knowledge to mentor School Children (SC). Aim of the study was to assess the impact of IGLC on the overall wellbeing of GMs, SC and their parents. Forty students of class VI were randomly chosen to participate in two hours of class session weekly 6 days by 11 GMs (>60 years) for 6 months. The pilot qualitative study was conducted in a junior high school situated in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, after obtaining ethical clearance from the all India institute of medical sciences, New Delhi (IEC/748/12/2017). Qualitative assessment was done after 6 months (October 2017 to April 2018) through focus group discussion. Through IGLC, GMs became happier and felt connected. IGLC imparted substantial improvement in the reading, writing and speaking skills of the SC. It was pocket friendly and helped parents to build trust in the secured future of their children. IGLC is a scalable educational model, where older people get connected with the younger generation through purposeful teaching learning processes within school premises, which are mutually beneficial. This model could also fulfil the SDG-4 goal of “quality education for all” especially those who lagged behind in academics.

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