ISSN: 2155-6199

Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation

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Evaluation of Water Quality Index For Drinking Purposes In The Case ofDamodar River, Jharkhand and West Bengal Region, India

Diptangshu Mukherjee, S Lata Dora2 and RK Tiwary

Damodar River is one of the most important fresh water source in Jharkhand and West Bengal. Its water is used for drinking by the growing population and also used in allied Industries situated down the stretch. The water quality is being reducing day by day due to heavy input of sewage and wastes from industrial effluents, cattle stock breeding, irrigation and human activities etc. Therefore, an attempt has been made to assess the quality of water in relation to know the pollution load in terms of biological and various physicochemical properties by evaluation of Quality Index (QI). This technique is very useful tool for quick assessment of any water system. The evaluation of five QI parameters has been taken: pH, TDS (total dissolved solid), BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand), DO (Dissolved Oxygen) and MPN (Most Probable Number).
The study shows that the river water is not potable at maximum sampling stations and are highly fecal contaminated. According to the desirable limit, maximum locations are also not even suitable for taking bath. An attempt has also been made to show how QI is increasing (corresponding to low grade water) with the increasing population. BOD5, MPN are interrelated, shown in correlation matrix. Therefore routinely monitoring of the river water becomes essential.