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Efficacy of Muscle Relaxants in Routine Treatment Protocol of OSMF and Regional Epidemiological

Gajanan Namdeorao Chavan*

Oral submucous fibrosisis a chronic disorder presenting with the plaguing symptoms of burning sensation in mouth, intolerance to spicy food and progressive trismus. OSMF is insidious in onset characterized by fibrosis of the lining mucosa of the upper digestive tract involving the oral cavity, oropharynx and hypopharynx and the upper third of oesophagus. The fibrosisinvolves the lamina propria and the submucosa and may extend into the underlying musculature resulting in the deposition of dense fibrous bands, resulting in limited mouth opening. It is widely prevalent in all age groups and across all socioeconomic strata in India. OSMF is etiologically related to chewing of areca nut [betel nut] and its commercial products, a habit prevalent in India and South-East Asia. This increaing prevalence is not only our concern but its treatment challenges is also our concern. Though a benign disease, the frequency of malignant change in patients with OSMF ranges from 3% to 6%. We have various established treatment modalities available, medical and surgical both. But the results vary. Hence after understanding its etiopathogenesis and reviewing various treatment modalities, we planned to carry out the study to find out the efficacy of muscle relaxants to treat OSMF.