ISSN: 1522-4821

Journal international sur la santé mentale d'urgence et la résilience humaine

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COVID-19 and the mental health of frontline professionals: ″out of sight, out of mind! ″

Clara de Oliveira e Souza, Thiago dos Santos Ferreira, Karine Grillo de Freitas, Gustavo Mendes de Sousa, Bruno Vitor Martins Santiago, Nivaldo Ribeiro Villela

The pandemic by Covid-19 will likely put health professionals around the world in an unprecedented situation, who need to make difficult decisions, as well as to develop jobs under extreme pressure. These decisions may include the allocation of scarce resources to equally critical patients; maintenance of the physical and emotional own in the face of health needs with the demands of patients; align your desire and duty with patients and, also, with family and friends. All these aspects can contribute to negative psychic experiences, moral injuries and mental health problems. This article aims to bring to the light of the discussion, some psychic demands developed by these health professionals involved with the care in the frontline to COVID-19, emphasizing the importance of valuing the theme as a way to improve the care and reception of these professionals in a situation of vulnerability.