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Concept of Hydrogen Redox Electric Power Generator

Katsutoshi Ono

The hydrogen redox power generation system is a combined energy cycle consisting of the H2O=H2+1/2O2 reduction reaction performed by the bipolar alkaline water electrolyzer with electrostatic-induction potentialsuperposed electrodes and the H2+1/2O2=H2O oxidation reaction performed by the alkaline fuel cell. This type of electrolyzer functions by a mechanism in which the power used is theoretically 17% of the total electrical energy required, while the remaining 83% can be provided by electrostatic energy free of power. Part of the power delivered by the fuel cell is returned to the electrolytic cell and the remainder represents the net power output. This power generation concept assumes the use of a low temperature alkaline fuel cell and a low temperature alkaline water electrolytic cell, both commercially available. Calculations using the commercial data for the operational conditions show that the cycle power efficiencies ranging from 60 to 80% may be attainable, regardless of the total electrode surface area.