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D. Varadharajan and P. Soundarapandian
The documentation of crab landings especially commercially important crabs are need of the hour to get clear picture about total landings of crabs and also their seasonal availability for better management. So it is attempted to record the individual as well as total crab landings from Arukkattuthurai to Pasipattinam. The individual male, female and berried crabs were reported uniformly maximum in Mallipattinam and minimum in Pasipattinam (Mallipattinam > Manamelkudi > Jegathapattinam > Sethubavachatram > Pointcalimere > Arukkattuthurai > Muthupettai > Adirampattinam > Kattumavadi > Pasipattinam). However total landings of male (48976 kg), female (38745 kg) and berried (16533 kg) crabs were recorded maximum in Mallipattinam. However male (23932 kg), female (16087) and berried (5418) crabs were minimum in Pasipattinam. Among 12 crab species reported P. pelagicus (165297.8 kg) was maximum and C.truncata (18371.28 kg) was minimum for all sexes. Among various stations crabs were landed maximum in Mallipattinam (104254 kg) and minimum in Pasipattinam (45437 kg).