ISSN: 2375-4494

Comportement des enfants et des adolescents

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Cognitive Functioning within Autism Spectrum Disorder Adolescents through a Study of Basketball Interaction

Anvitha Kondapi

This paper evaluates the effectiveness of sport intervention in basketball and its ability to aid in cognitive development and communication in adult transitioning students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The use of basketball as an intervention supplies the necessary cognitive skills to allow students to enhance their brain in developing the skills to a greater extent. Therefore, this study intended to provide further research on its effectiveness with students diagnosed with ASD, as it is a brisk growing disorder that challenges individuals cognitively and socially. This study’s basketball technique provides students with autism between the ages of eighteen to twenty-two with an improved internal and external awareness of boundaries, indicating cognitive advancement. A teacher observational- survey-based approach facilitated the experiment’s results as they gave a general understanding of the cognitive development result from the daily basketball practices. This study is most useful in conjunction with other studies examining the implementation of sports intervention dedicated to students with autism to help the transition toward adulthood.

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