ISSN: 2375-4494

Comportement des enfants et des adolescents

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Child Safety Decisions and Parental Mental Health Problem

Fatubu Mahabe

The relationship between child safety decisions and parental mental health is a critical aspect of family dynamics that profoundly impacts the well-being of children. Parental mental health problems can range from mild to severe, affecting a parent’s ability to provide a nurturing and secure environment for their young ones. Striking a balance between protecting children from potential harm and supporting struggling parents is essential for promoting optimal family well-being. This article examines the implications of various mental health conditions on a parent’s caregiving abilities and the consequent impact on a child’s safety and development. It emphasizes the significance of comprehensive risk assessments, supportive interventions, and temporary alternatives to ensure the safety of children during challenging periods. Moreover, this work advocates for reducing the stigma associated with mental health issues, fostering an environment where parents can seek help without fear of judgment. By promoting integrated approaches and preventive measures, we can effectively support families before crises arise and nurture an atmosphere where both parents and children can thrive. Understanding the interplay between child safety decisions and parental mental health is crucial in creating a society that values the well-being of i a compassionate and informed approach, we can work towards fostering resilient and secure family units for the benefit of future generations.

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