ISSN: 2277-1891

Revue internationale des innovations, pensées et idées avancées

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Challenges to Management from Loss of Control, Connectivity Problems, Organizational Change Caused By New Information Technology Infrastructure

 This paper reports on an investigation on the effects of new technology infrastructures on the management of Pacific Brewing Ltd. Areas covered included the organizational structure, staff members at all levels, quality of staff and the general risks involved. The information presented in this paper was obtained mainly through interviews and personal observation. The main issues highlighted are:1) lack of human and technical resources; 2) lack of commitment by management; and 3) the need for more training programs to educate staff on the importance of information. From this investigation it was recommended that: a) Sufficient funds need to be allocated for investments in IT within the company and b) staff at all levels need to show more commitment towards upgrading their Information Technology.