ISSN: 2572-0899

Journal mondial des études infirmières et médico-légales

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Challenges Among Nurses Working at Governmental Community Mental Health Centers in Gaza Governorates

Basem M. Bakeer

Nowadays, nursing is still one of the human professions that deal with man from all aspects of physical, psychological, social and spiritual, and on this basis, the development and progress in this profession is essential and continuous to suit the requirements of various stages and with rapid development in all areas of life. The aim of this study is to investigate the challenges among those nurses who work at governmental community mental health centers, (MOH)  in Gaza Strip. This is a descriptive, cross sectional study was performed from February to April 2019, at governmental community mental health centers in Gaza strip for 22 nurses who participated voluntarily in this study. The revised professional practice environment scale (RPPES) was distributed to the participants during interview with other specific questions and some socio-demographic variables, The questionnaire was divided into seven domains. After that the data was collected, analyzed by (SPSS, V.22) and the final results of the study showed the distribution  of the nurses in governmental community mental health centers during 2019, The management and leadership issues which was 53%, which have great effects on the work process among the nurses, which considered one of the challenges that can face which help in facilitating the nurses works, The importance of handling information about cases had 62.1%, which considered one of the challenges during the nursing practice at community mental health centers. Also, appeared that conflicts and methods of solutions