ISSN: 2329-6879

Médecine du travail et affaires de santé

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An Investigation into the Retooling, Relevance & Efficiency of the 21st Century Social Worker in Jamaica

Dr. Lynch M, Dr. Graham K, Dr. Richards R, Dr. McLaren-Esson K, Dr. Cunningham-Francis P, Dr. Golding T, Dr. Hall-Bedassie P, Dr. Gibbons-Suragh A, Dr. White H, Dr. Pinnock G, Dr. Jackson T, Dr. Northover-Alexander A, Dr. Perry S, Dr. Pennant-Calder S, Dr. Turner- Thomas T, Dr. Clarke-Davis V

To meet changing needs, particularly in a post-pandemic era, where the fields of social development, education, healthcare, and others have shifted toward evidence-informed practice, we must establish new research priorities and teaching innovations in social work that prepare and expand the workforce and that document, the value of social work professionals and social work interventions on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. The purpose of this article is to investigate the retooling, relevance & efficiency of the 21st century social worker in Jamaica. Today’s social workers must be willing to display their continuing commitment to both the cause and their clients. This must involve service to individuals and pursuit of extensive social reform. Considering this, Social Workers must give serious attention to the critical elements of innovation, research, advocacy, and self-care to advance their relevance, retooling, and efficiency in these changing times.

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