ISSN: 2168-9806

Journal de la métallurgie des poudres et des mines

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An Analysis of the Surface/Interface Roughening Caused By Plastic Deformation in Sheet Metallic Materials

Lihong Su

Sheet metallic materials with high strength and low density have been intensely produced and widely used as a result of the growing need for light weight design in sectors like aerospace and automotive. However, for sheet metallic materials, plastic deformation induced surface roughening is an undesired and essentially inescapable phenomenon that has received a lot of attention recently [1-15].The development of surface roughening has a major impact on the deformation's strain limit as well as the product's quality and intended use. In order to comprehend the surface roughening behaviour of sheet metallic materials during diverse plastic deformation and manufacturing processes, this work gives a thorough overview of both experimental and numerical modelling contributions. A roughening of the free surface or necking of the interface has been discovered to be caused by grain scale strain heterogeneity and to be strongly influenced by the strain the material underwent, strain state and direction, grain size and texture, lubrication, mechanical properties of the materials, rolling parameters, etc. The surface roughening can be adjusted for different materials and processing methods to suit diverse applications by managing and optimising these characteristics.

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