ISSN: 2155-6199

Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation

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Ameliorating Risk: Culturable and Metagenomic Monitoring of the 14 Year Decline of a Genetically Engineered Microorganism at a Bioremediation Field Site

Alice C. Layton, Abby E. Smartt, Archana Chauhan, Steven Ripp, Daniel E. Williams, Whitney Burton, Scott Moser, Jana Phillips, Anthony V. Palumbo and Gary S. Sayler

In 1996, the first EPA sanctioned release of a recombinant microbe (Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44) into the subsurface soil environment was initiated in a replicated semi-contained array of soil lysimeters. With an aim to access the survivability/environmental fate of HK44, soil sampling was performed 14 years post release. Although after extensive sampling culturable HK44 cells were not found, qPCR and metagenomic analyses indicated that genetic signatures of HK44 cells still persisted in the soils, with genes diagnostic for the bioluminescent transposon carried by strain HK44 (luxA and tetA) being found at low concentrations (< 5000 copies/g). Additionally, metagenome analysis of lysimeter 2 using amplicon pyrosequencing showed that Burkholderia was more abundant in the sample extracted before storage at 4°C than after storage at 4°C (79% and 5.6% Burkholderia sequences, respectively).

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