ISSN: 2375-4494

Comportement des enfants et des adolescents

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Agomelatine Augmenting Partial Stimulant Response in ADHD and Mitigating Stimulant-induced Insomnia and Anxiety

Ahmed Naguy and Haya Al-Mutairi

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is amenable to successful pharmacologic treatment with stimulants being first-line. Stimulants are generally safe but could be associated with some adverse effects such as insomnia and anxiety exacerbation in this population, both of which could jeopardize treatment-adherence and blunt the therapeutic response. Here, we are reporting a 13-year-old case of severe ADHD with mediocre response to an adequate trial of methylphenidate with stimulant-related anxiety and insomnia that robustly showed marked cognitive improvement and amelioration of both anxiety and insomnia after augmentation with agomelatine with great safety and tolerability.

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