ISSN: 2375-4494

Comportement des enfants et des adolescents

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Active Lifestyle and Health State Determinants in Czech Children

Vaclav Bunc

Abstract To gather information about active lifestyle and its impact on current population of children, a research of a representative sample of children aged 6-14 was conducted between 1997 and 2007. Within the research project, 17,978 healthy children (51% boys and 49% girls) and 1,382 child patients (52% boys and 48% girls) aged 6-14 were examined (in laboratory conditions/outside laboratory). Information about physical activities performed during the week (their amount and form) was obtained through questionnaires and was verified in a representative sample of the target population via Sporttester. Apart from information about their current physical regime we asked children about the current and past physical regime of their parents (approx. 40% of observed children’s parents were thus investigated).Health status was evaluated by methods recommended by the Czech Medical Association. The amount of weekly realized physical activities significantly decrease with age increase in both boys and girls.Children leading active lifestyle, i.e. performing suitable physical activities for at least 5 hours a week, are more physically fit, have substantially less health problems (e.g. lower number of subjects with overweight and obesity, lower prevalence of higher BP, etc.) and lifestyle diseases associated with hypokinesia in general. Exercise intervention programmes of about 3-5 hours a week that can be run at schools will bring about positive changes in children’s health status and will not have negative impact on their study results.

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