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Katie Lang and Kate Tchanturia
Objectives: It is hypothesised that Weak Central Coherence (superior attention to detail with poorer bigger picture thinking) is a possible endophenotype for Anorexia Nervosa (AN). Currently the neuropsychological profile of children and adolescents with AN in unclear. The present review aimed to summarise the available literature with regards to the central coherence abilities of children and adolescents with AN, and clarify their neuropsychological profile. Method: The search found seven eligible studies. Meta-analyses were not possible due the variation in tasks used. Results: Evidence of less efficient global processing in children with AN was observed in a number of studies. The strongest evidence was observed from studies using the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figures Test (ROCFT). A visual comparison of ROCFT from child and adult AN studies highlighted similarities in global processing profiles. Conclusions: Evidence of inefficient global processing was observed across a number of studies. However methodological flaws in the current literature were highlighted and made interpretation difficult. These are discussed and recommendations for future research are made.