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A Grounded Theory Exploring the Health Status Perceptions Shift of Women Living with Breast Cancer

Hébert Maude*, Gallagher, Frances and St-Cyr Tribble Denise

Being diagnosed with breast cancer is a significant change in the health status of a person causing an internal process, a transition between health perceptions and disease reflects a social process. The methodology of grounded theory highlights the process. The purpose of this study is to propose a model of the transition from perceptions of women's health diagnosed with this cancer. 32 women at various times in the course of the disease have been encountered during semi-structured individual interviews. The results show that perceptions of health status are modulated throughout the course of the disease. Health becomes more valuable and cancer becomes surmountable. Women are redefining their health by not declaring patients with breast cancer and learning to live with a sword of Damocles over the head.