ISSN: 2277-1891

Revue internationale des innovations, pensées et idées avancées

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1. Smart Helmet: The Next Generation Solar Gadget

Kodanda Ramaiah

Traffic jams in India are very common and are so intense that it will take hours to travel for miles; also the average temperature inside the helmet is rather more, in such situation, the rider may feel discomfort. And more over accidents occurs by attending the calls while in driving. Even it is very difficult to find a person where he met with an accident in remote areas. To resolve these current issues we developed a helmet which gives best solution. The helmet is equipped with cooling device which will reduce the temperature by using the external power source like solar energy. Similarly, by providing the Bluetooth headset inside the helmet we can avoid the handy talking and continue the call without removing the helmet. During the course of the accident the helmet uses the services of GSM with the help of GPS and sends the message body containing the precise location of the vehicle, rescue request alert to a desired number, which helps in fast medication to the victim. In case of other emergencies, like harassment, abduction or molestation, an emergency alert system could be used to ask help form cops or family members.